Turn Order
This is a living document with the current turn order. If directed here from a previous turn, the order may not perfectly match what I used for that turn.
Turn Order
Universal Round:
The following can apply to any region, migratory or settled, and all regions are rolled between. Add the number of settled regions to the migratory regions for all rolls.
Planetary Random Event:
For every twenty regions (rounded up), roll once on the planetary/environmental random event table. Roll the region it occurs in.
Genetic Differentiation:
For every forty regions (rounded up), roll one region. That region undergoes minor genetic differentiation (color of feathers, for example).
Technological Diffusion:
For every forty regions (rounded up), roll one region. If that region has any technological developments, roll between neighboring regions and roll among the technologies and transfer that technology to the new region.
Cultural Exchange:
For every twenty regions (rounded up), roll one region. Then roll amongst the neighboring regions and do a cultural exchange between the two.
Settled Regions Round:
Will be built out more later. For now, mostly the same as the migratory regions round, with the exception of the population increase mechanic, and different numbers for how many rolls to make each turn.
Societal Random Event
For every ten regions (rounded up), roll once on the cultural/societal random event table, then roll the region it occurs in.
Cultural Evolution:
For every ten regions (rounded up), roll one region. If that region has anything in myths/history, see how that remembrance has changed over time.
Social Development:
For every five regions (rounded up), roll one region. That region will have a minor social development. That region will also undergo basic language development.
Population Increase:
Every region increases in population by 10%.
If any region goes above local carrying capacity, they expand to form another settlement
Technological Development:
For every five regions (rounded up), roll one region. That region will have a minor technological development. That region will also undergo basic language development.
Myths/Oral History:
For every twenty regions (rounded up), roll one region. That region has a new festival, ritual or major tradition.
For every twenty regions (rounded up), roll one region. That region has a new individual come to prominence.
Language Development:
For every ten regions (rounded up), roll one region. That region undergoes language change in all categories.
For every twenty regions (rounded up), roll one region. That region leaves behind some legacy for future generations to find (burial mount, garbage pit, etc.)
Solo RPG Session:
Roll one region. Conduct a session of a Solo RPG set in that region.
Migratory Regions Round:
Count only migratory regions for these rolls
Societal Random Event
For every ten regions (rounded up), roll once on the cultural/societal random event table, then roll the region it occurs in.
Cultural Evolution:
For every ten regions (rounded up), roll one region. If that region has anything in myths/history, see how that remembrance has changed over time.
Social Development:
For every twenty regions (rounded up), roll one region. That region will have a minor social development. That region will also undergo basic language development.
Roll a region. That region will expand to a neighboring region.
Roll among possible destinations. If the region is populated, that region will migrate to a nearby region, and the activated region will take their place (waves of migration pushing previous waves away).
If moving through populated region, for each migration, do a cultural exchange between the two
Biome Generation:
Generate a biome for the region that has been expanded into. Every nearby biome will contribute one feature to the new biome, and there will be two taken at random from a different biome as well.
Develop new words to describe all new creatures.
The new region undergoes full language development
Technological Development:
For every twenty regions (rounded up), roll one region. That region will have a minor technological development. That region will also undergo basic language development.
Myths/Oral History:
For every twenty regions (rounded up), roll one region. That region has a new festival, ritual or major tradition.
For every twenty regions (rounded up), roll one region. That region has a new individual come to prominence.
Language Development:
For every ten regions (rounded up), roll one region. That region undergoes language change in all categories.